Tuesday, September 2, 2008


John Mayer: (enough said)

I shed a tear today.(that's right, I said it, a man and I cried) Now in my defense I am exhausted from driving yesterday and not used to the lack of sleep from the weekend, on top of that I got pulled over, on Labor day (which can be translated into Indianapolis 500 for the average man) but I wasn't speeding, my man pulled me over for expired tags! Pulled across 3 lanes of traffic for expired tags! (needless to say I was fired up. mom I wasn't mad at you I just knew you could take it. Love you) But back to the crying thing, so I am tired,aggravated, and praying for family stuff (if you could too that would be great) and just realizing that the friends I have really do mean the world to me. (yes that does sound very feminine) I spent the entire weekend with my closest friends and I can't imagine not being friends with them. Seriously without Ben and Kyle I know things wouldn't be nearly as funny but I also know I wouldn't be as encouraged as I am when I am with them. I can't imagine living far from them, mainly because one of them will own a boat before me and I don't want to be far from that! So I think all of those emotions running and colliding into one day caused me to shed a tear, I am blessed beyond all measures and I don't deserve it at all. No matter how bad things may get in my life I know 3 things: 1.) I have a Father watching out for me, guiding me, and reminding me that this life is not mine. 2.) I have the most incredible family, that no matter the tragedy we always come away stronger than before. and 3.) I am blessed with friends that would drop whatever it is they are doing to drive hours to be there when I need them. For that I couldn't be more thankful.(Thanks Ben and Kyle)

OK that's enough with the sappy friendship talk.

I got hooked on a new sport this past weekend, beach volleyball. I love it, in fact if you live in Indy and want to play I need people to play with! Johnson fixed the volleyball court and we seriously played for hours almost everyday I was down there. If you have never played I encourage you to, I hope to qualify for the Olympics next time around. (that's a joke, mainly because my best attribute is holding my hand up saying "my bad"..but I still love it!)

Praise God! (I have so many thoughts running through my head but for some reason this is the one thing that seems to be the only right thing to say)

Love Loudly..Live Graciously..Be Conversational..