Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Well what I should be doing right now is studying for an exam I have in my Isaiah class(a book in the Bible for those who don't know). But we all know how studying goes when your not really motivated to do anything. All my friends have just left me, a majority of those I wont really ever see again, other than those few weddings that we happen to stumble upon. It's weird though, I'm not to upset. I guess that could be bad but the guys I am closest to I know I will see again, I am upset the other guys are out of my life but I just wasn't close to them, is it my fault that I didn't get close to them? I like to think that I opened myself up to everybody but only few chose to open up to me, I get frustrated a lot because people just assume I am not an intellectual(although I am not the smartest guy out there). There were a couple guys that were friends but they always had the same conversation with me, music-relationships-sports, things of that nature. But not once did we have a deep conversation, that upsets me, I love carrying on deep intellectual conversations(even if I don't understand it I learn something from those conversations) I guess the only things I regret from knowing those people is that I didn't take the time to have those conversations.

Either way they're gone. And yes I will miss them, to an extent(that sounds so bad, but true). I will say the fishing trips with my best friends will mean so much more, simply because I wont be living with them and seeing them everyday, so the times we are together will be a reunion.

Well I am done being a sappy little girl, so in order to compensate I will leave you with a clip from the manliest movie ever.....300, and I may go grill out some steaks because that is what men do, and I'm going to buy a truck.

-Oh and be conversational and all that good jazz

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