Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I am so happy I can plug this video. (This will make my family proud. YEAH DUNBAR CLAN!!!)

Two of the guys in the video are Pro Bass fishermen, Chris and Bobby Lane.(Yes I know I am a dork for knowing that and a dork for saying Bobby is one of my favorite anglers.) But I have to post that as an intro to my weekend. I am leaving today for my favorite time out of the whole year, this is the time that me and three of my closest friends get together for a weekend of fishing. It's the biggest tournament I fish in, the Plantation Elite Series.(By tournament I mean us four get together and fish on a couple trolling motor boats and whoever catches the most wieght wins. I hope to post a picture of my (soon to be) trophy) There is really no prize, just something we like to do. I love these guys and can't wait to get out in a boat and fish with them. It's such a refreshing time away to fish, hangout, and to catch-up. And on that note I'm off to catch a lunker(fishing lingo for a BIG fish)

Love Loudly..Live Graciously..Be Conversational..

1 comment:

SarahAnnFair said...

wow. thats all I'm sayin about this post. Ya'll and fishing. Its something.