Thursday, August 21, 2008


Music time: Aaron (not the guy I'm interning under, but another Aaron)

I am such a somber kind of mood. I walk in to my office and the first thing I read was a horrible tragedy that occured yesterday at Cinicinnati Christian University, a school where many friends have gone. Here is a link to the story I read:

I am so sorry for the loss and I honestly cannot even imagine the emotions this family is going through. The thing that really angered me was the comments people left at the end of the story, there was no compassion at all. This makes me sick, the whole thing makes me sick. I don't understand how you can forget something like a baby (but again I'm single and obviously have no kids, that I'm aware of) but in the same breath I can honestly say I have been praying for this lady and her family all morning. I am certain that bad things do happen and I am certain that being a parent and a teacher can throw your schedule off a little and make you forget the easy things, but a baby?

Either way I am in a somber mood and will be all day. I think in times like these is when the church really needs to step in and love and FOLLOW UP with these lady. Continue to lift her spirits and continue to encourage her. I think it is so easy to be there for a family while the tragedy is still fresh in our minds, but it is the coming months that are really trying for a family, trust me I know.

This one is short, becuase really I don't have much to say about it. I know to you all who don't have the same worldview I do are reading this and I'm sure this sounds very "christian-ey" (yes i created a word) but I ask that you just put yourself in this ladies shoes. Try and feel the pain and hurt. Sorry this seems so, depressing, but it's just all I can think about.

Love Loudly..Live Graciously..Be Conversational..

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