Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Many times I wonder what it is exactly I am doing with my life. I started my college career planning on majoring in youth ministry, which basically means I wanted to hang out with kids for the rest of my life. Now I changed my mind to adult ministry, which now means I want to hang out with people my age and older. I know I have been blessed with the opportunity to be a minister, and you better believe I am looking foreword to working with people as well as teaching. But these questions continue to arise, what will I be doing?

It is ironic however, in my questioning I begin to become more and more excited. In the absence of my knowledge my imagination begins to take over. And the imagination is something that has been over looked in today's society. When I think back to when I was a kid I can remember dreaming and doing what kids do(things like building a box fort. A fort made of simple large boxes, and playing for hours.) Our imagination, as kids, overwhelmed our lives. But in today's society we lose so much mystery because we have to know everything, if we fail then we go to school for a much longer time to try and find the answers.

In the mystery of my future I find great joy, because it simply reminds me I am not in control and that in the mystery I will find my answers.

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