Thursday, December 20, 2007


Well sorry for not boring you, I mean sorry for not writing in so long. As far as an update, I took finals and I was stressed and now is sit on my butt doing nothing, there is the update now you can go on with your daily lives. Being home I am reminded just how important family is. But I would be lying if I said I didn't miss my friends. But in all honesty I am ready to be back in my world, and by that I mean school(how lame is that). This past semester wasn't the best for me, for the first half of the semster I went through this depressing stage in my life, really wierd for me, but I didn't care about anything(ANYTHING). My grades sucked, and I had to work so hard to just pass. I realize now what is most important, therefore, when I go back my priorities have shifted. Although I still want to be out of school I know that if I just pass then I will be out much quicker, than if i struggle and refuse to do my work. My priorities are now, school-work-relationships. That doesn't mean I will become that lame college kid who does nothing but study, work, and no one ever sees him. I just mean those three things are what I now know to be most important to me. There is an update for you(even though half of you are now wishing you had that 5 minutes back..sorry).

Now, on a completely different note, and I mean completely different(this will describe how random I am)..I thought I would enlighten you on some of the music I am listening to these days. I may lose some friends when they hear who I am listening to. As I write this I am listening to the new Lupe Fiasco cd "The Cool", in all honesty this is probably the best album all around I have heard in a while. I will be honest my brother is a much bigger Lupe fan than I am, and in fact it is his cd I am listening to. But other than that there is three artists I love first William Fitzsimmons, I found him on the infamous myspace, in my opinion the best song of his is a newer song called "Please Don't Go". From listening to him I found Ingrid Michealson, she has the best voice ever(again my opinion, but know I am always right.) So the other album I am listening to is from a band Leeland the album "Sound of Melodies." This is such a good chill album to listen to while you sit in your appartment drinking coffee and smoking a ciggarette, but I wouldn't know anything about doing that.(I say that in sarcasm)

Ok i guess I wont you bore you any longer...but listen to those three albums and you will feel blessed.

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