Sunday, May 25, 2008


Well I am resting. I am starting to find what this word/thing/day/practice and what I hope to become a lifestyle of keeping the Sabbath really means. But first like I have done in the previous conversations I will let you in on what I am listening to:

Now that you know this we can get on with what I am thinking(don't be mad this is my blog, what did you expect?) This book "The Rest of God" by Mark Buchanan:
is offering me a view of rest that I have never found before. This is fresh. But go figure, everything Mark is talking about is not that deep. Things like truly realizing how big God is, How we MUST stop compromising our sin, being still and quiet. Things that most people do, just not often. I am learning what this thing called Sabbath really means and looks like. My time alone with God was so shallow so meaningless. I never rested in Him. I never slowed down.

My newest adventure has become just that, rest. Sounds odd I know(especially since I look forward to this week and I see nothing on the schedule.) But there is so much more to resting in God, so much more to the Sabbath. I don't really know what all this means, it's just what is going on in my simple(but I make complicated) life. I have faith in God but before these last couple of weeks I tried to do so much on my own, which puts a restraint on how much faith I can truly have in God.

-thanks for reading, although I'm not fully sure any of that made since(now I'm rambling, but like before it's my blog I do what I want)

Love Loudly..Live Graciously..Be Conversational.. Rest Adoringly

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