Monday, June 2, 2008


Music right not: Yes it's Coldplay, new song from the new cd(which is love).

My mind is so jumbled, so confused, so tired, and though all that is going on I am still learning. It never fails, I open my mouth to say something and sure enough someone corrects my idiocy. I have to set this story up: I was at a graduation party talking with a person who is leaving for college in a few months and we started talking about churches in the area for her to check out. Well we both know a person who is doing a church plant near the area. She started talking about the church but didn't know the guy as well as I did. So feeling led to gossip(that's not a leading, I was being sarcastic)I told her that it would not be a wise choice to go there. Why? Because my interpretation of the guy was bad and I felt it wouldn't be a good fit for her.(This is where I am called out and felt stupid) My close friend Justin makes this simple statement, and says it quiet enough for me to hear and said said softly enough not to offend, "Don't destroy the crop."

don't destroy the crop? If anything I was helping a girl who could be led astray.(or so I thought) Justin and I went on and never brought it back up. But I was just sitting and reflecting and it hit me. Don't destroy the crop. I wasn't helping her, I was hurting her, her opinions of the guy and her opinions of the yet to be planted church. Which in turn she may say something to someone else about the this guy and then I have created a whole mess of things out of my, interpretation of a man. I understand after reflecting, that God is still in control of what's going on. By me gossiping this girl got a one sided view of another person(probably the wrong view at that). As long as people are searching for God they will find Him, nothing will throw a person off from that.

Sure we can get distracted from God by sin, but as long as we "keep swimming upstream"(as one of my close friends Joe would say) we will remain alive. If God is who we are searching for and desiring to find, sure enough he will be there. This new church plant may help some people find their way to God, who am I to know? If their goal was to throw people off track from finding God, then I have faith that God would not allow the plant to happen. Therefore, my gossip and my words were close to "killing the crop."

This is why I say I am all confused(and now your probably just as confused....sorry)but feel free to shed some light onto this, because after all, I know little.

Love Loudly..Live Graciously..Be Conversational..Swim Upstream

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