Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Well, I am here...and here is what I am listening to...

yes I am watching and listening to sermons, mainly the series on starving Jesus.

Well I arrived in Indy last week. I can already tell that this place will be a blessing. I am already learning and already feeling aprat of the team here at Traders Point. People here love Christ, but it goes much deeper than that. Not only do they Love the Lord they Love people. Constantly people are going out of there way to help others, I feel I have heard the statement "I have been blessed and I want to bless others" at least 50 times.(And I am encouraged by statements like this) This place has been blessed but more importantly they are blessing others. They are opening doors for many people.

As far as my journey, things are crazy.(my mom will freak when she reads this, sorry mom) At my last internship in Lexington I started feeling something tugging at my heart to plant a church. But when school started back up and I stopped praying about it, it left.(besides a small stint where I was thinking about quitting school and moving to plant, that was such a wierd time of my life) But now that "thing" is coming back into my heart. It seems like when I really start to focus and pray more diligently I feel something pulling me to plant a church. I don't know what it means, all I can do is to continue to pray about it. There is a fear, however, when I think about it, I mean when I graduate school I will only be 24 with little experiance in ministry. But this I know was the Spirit speaking to me, this past week this statement was taught to me:

…”I was 31 when I became the president of a Bible College. I wasn’t fully prepared for that, but I was confident that God had called me and that he would equip me with all that I needed to be successful, just as long as I kept my focus upon Him.” Then he said this, “God will make you adequate.”

this was in Aarons sermon and something one of his mentors told him. But that same thing is speaking straight to me, am I going to plant a church? I have no idea but I know that as long as my focus is on God and I understand that "my ministry" is not my ministry (it's His)then everything will work out. I want to do what God has creadted me to do.(I am just waiting on that whisper telling me where to go.)

Thanks for your prayers but also thanks for being interested in what I have to say, it is encouraging in itself.

Love Loudly..Live Graciously..Be Conversational..

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