Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Here is an incredible artist: Phil Wickham

So I don't have much going on, well outside of the internship that is. (Well, that is probably the biggest lie I have told in sometime.) But it's all great stuff, I am leaving the family that I have stayed with for three months tomorrow and moving in with another family. Meeting the Baker's and staying with them was the greatest experience for me, many nights we would just sit and talk about so many different things and how different the views are that we hold, but it's a generational difference, and it's cool to get to hear a different side of things. I am truly going to miss these people, well miss living with them. Thanks guys!

I am really learning new ideas and learning so many things about leadership that will benefit me so much in the future. I was at lunch with Aaron and through conversation I realized that I have things I MUST get over if I want to be effective in leadership. The largest one of those obstacles is my fear to speak up when I see something wrong and the reason is because I see myself as too young to add insight to people older than I and people will dis-credit anything I say because of that.(some of you are shocked right now that I do know how to hold my tongue, but it's true, I process everything in my head before I say it) I am never scared to stand up for what I know is right, the times I am speaking of is when someone is only talking with a narrow minded or very objective view. Some one close to me was talking the other day about wanting to start and build a community of believers and "do life" with those people around him, and if you have read any of my blogs I love this idea, I desire it. But I also understand that if you want to lead a church you must have a system in place so that things will grow and so things stay organized and the most important thing is that people are growing spiritually. In this community I never want to get away from prayer or scripture studying, I think when you get away from that you are not a Christ centered community you are just a strong community. Understand that there is nothing wrong with that, it's awesome, but if you desire to be a church and your missing out on prayer and scripture then I have to wonder if your a church or just another loving group of people. I desire a Christ Centered Community, which translates into a close spiritually growing community. Without structure people forget what they are living for, in the book of Acts(Bible) we see people sharing and selling their things to help people and it all sounds great but just a couple chapters later we see Ananias and Sapphira taking advantage of people and stealing. Without structure things wont hold up. Community is what I desire but I understand that without structure in that, i.e prayer and scripture and teaching/preaching, the community will eventually fall apart.

I am still learning to speak up when I have insight and I understand that I will never be an effective leader until I stop being fearful and speak what I believe to be true. I need to stop thinking I am too young. I am working on that and many other things.(I'm sure I'll tell you those things eventually.)

Love Loudly..Live Graciously..Be Conversational..


Jen said...


My name is Jen and I go to TPCC. I stumbled upon your blog through Jose Lopez(a good friend of mine--and BTW you are spoken of highly by many at Traders Point). Your thoughts on this resinate with feelings I have had recently. I agree with many points. I guess my twist would be, do we as a church(that is a body of Christ) support one another to put service to our knowledge and wisdom of the Bible. I think too many times, we study God's word and find pride in ourselves in what we "know" but we do very little with it. So although I agree with what Aaron told you, I do think that we as a leadership at TPCC need to support spiritually, financially, and physically of the ministry outside of the church. Otherwise we are just becoming fat Christians.

Again, great thoughts and I hope that you are enjoying your time at Traders Point!

C. Dunbar said...

Hey Jen thanks so much for reading and even more for commenting. Jose is the man, although I haven't seen him in like a month, not sure why that is. I should clear something up first, what I wrote was my thoughts and how I view things, Aaron may or may not agree with me. I just want to say that becuase I don't want to cause confusion with my views and what Aaron thinks, I don't want to cause problems as an intern.

Ok after the disclaimer, I absolutely agree with you Jen. The church should be supporting people/organizations/missionaries and anything else OUTSIDE of the church. Because ultimately that is the second part of the great commandment (loving people). I was refering to a church community supporting our brothers and sisters. (Acts 2) Like if something were to happen Jose (I don't mean anything by that, I love that man!) both you and I would step in and help in whatever way we could. But of course we should be supporting people outside of the church and I know Traders does a great job of doing that.

Thanks again Jen, my time here has been and I am certain that it will continue to be great.

Jen said...

Oh, no confusion. I think very highly of Aaron and have enjoyed his teaching. I feel very blessed to have him here.

And, by the way, I haven't seen Jose in awhile either--he's a busy guy :)