Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Well I had the most memorable nights of my entire life last night. Seriously it was incredible, and it can only be intro'd by this song and this picture:

So this will be short; I don't do this often but I thought everyone would like to know I have had a run in with the law. For those who don't know I am living with a family while I do my internship and these people have an alarm system hooked up to their house, I know the code so it's not a surprise when I walk in and hear beeping. So last night I was over a friends house watching the football game and got home a little late. As I walked in I turned the alarm off and locked up and headed to the basement where I stay.(On a side note please remember this house is surrounded by woods, like all around, it's so far hidden no one ever comes back there, why they have an alarm I don't know.) So I head down and watch the news and get ready for bed; of course my night of TV watching was capped off with the DVD release of the movie The Strangers (which looks absolutely horrifying). So I lay in bed trying to forget about the creepy people and about 5 minutes later I hear talking outside my window. I tense up and don't move a muscle and then I see flash lights swirling around and then one shines straight into my room. By this point I have wet myself about 5 times and was thinking I was going to have to either A. Run and scream or B. beat the crud out of someone (now I was leaning more towards A; which is why I was still frozen). All of a sudden I hear one of the men say the door is open, this is about the time I start thanking God for the life he has blessed me with and asking him to make my death go quick so I wont feel any pain. And then the shouting starts, "Sheriff's dept. is there any body in here!" Now in split second here are my thoughts, "(sigh of relief) I'm not going to die..oh crap what have I done?...should I answer them...of course..what if they shoot me when I answer..."

I yell out "yeah and I'm coming out of the first bedroom!" Note that the door they came in from is right next to my bedroom door. After yelling that, they yell back "Come out slowly with your hand where we can see them!" (my thinking again goes back to I might die; also note that I am in just my boxer-briefs- pleasant sight) I slowly walk out with my hands up and out in front of me (I see two officers with lights in my face and their hands on their gun holsters ready to draw; you would have liked if I said I was staring down the barrel of 9 Mil....I wish I could say that too) and they begin yelling "who are you!" I tell them I am an intern and living with the people who own the house. As they start a conversation I simply ask if I can go put some clothes on, they follow me into the room and watch me dress, just to make sure I wasn't doing anything dumb (awwwkward). They proceed to tell me that the alarm was set off and the door they entered from was left open, I then tell them to search the house. I know this isn't my house, but I WILL not sit back and let them question me when there might be someone in the house, I don't want one of those creepy characters from the movie to be standing above me at night!

Well long story short, no one was in the house but the alarm was triggered after I came in and the door was left open. Strange mystery but creates a great story. After the cops left I did my own search of the basement, which doesn't really make since, why I would go look for someone after two cops with guns did. The best part is I layed back down in bed and texted a few people of my story and fell right to sleep. Ironic, you would think I would have stayed up fearing for my life. But I was tired! Well that's all I got.

Cops are good people. (but very scary when they come into the house yelling at you)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahahahaha thats awesome.