Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Check it: new music by The Cool Kids- Delivery Man (sorry the video quality is poor)

So it's Christmas time, and everyone always says certain things around this time to make it sound like receiving gifts isn't what's important. Those things people say are "Jesus is the reason for the season," and "It's about giving not receiving." My question is do we mean those things, or are we just trying to make things sound better for ourselves, justifying the receiving of gifts? I'm not anti-gift giving, I think it's a cool idea, but if we say it's not about gifts, then why do we still give gifts to people?

My heart has been on a roller coaster the last few weeks, I am trying not to be a scrooge, but I'm just struggling with the giving of gifts to people who really don't need any more "things." If you going to give a gift, give it to someone who needs something, give something that means something, not something that will be broken or thrown away in a year. I'm sure my thoughts will be hashed out eventually, but I am just convicted with this whole idea of receiving gifts we don't really need.

If I can suggest anything (that is if you want to listen) instead of spending outrageous amounts of money for people, maybe try spending a little bit of money to bless those who really need it. And don't just spend money on someone, invest in someone who needs help.

I've changed the title of the blog a little, "Love takes balls"..be bold this season, love someone because they NEED it, love someone because Christ has called us to love God and love people, Martin Luther King once said, "How can you be worried about changing the soul when you don't care about the body that holds the soul." DO something no one else is bold enough to do in the name Jesus, but also do it in genuine love.


Love Loudly..Live Graciously..Be Conversational..

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