Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Annnd the music is: Liam Finn

So this will be much shorter than the other posts (mainly because I don't feel like writing much.) I want so badly, it burns deep inside me, to be in community with people who are always learning and desiring to be closer to the Lord. In their lives they are more than just living, they are serving as well. They live out the life of "Loving God and Loving People." I want the people I am around to be living with a loving attitude and genuinally caring about the people they are around, I want to be this way as well. I really see our society changing, I know there is so much hate and violence, but I really do feel people want solid friendships and to be in community with people. This may be my imaturity speaking but I feel people want good communities again. I want the church to be "the church", I want people in the church to get to a point when if someone is in trouble everyone around them will lift them up not just in prayer but financially and in any other way they can help. This was what the church was all about, people would sell their possesions to help someone out, I am longing for this. I AM LONGING FOR DEEP MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS. My heart feels like it could just burst out of my chest becuase I am ready to be at that point. I am not naive, I know that this is an incredibly hard thing to achieve but there is so much benifit that can come from something like this. I want people to "gather to the chapel" for not just celebration but for community, relationships, and love and support. Oh I am ready for such a change.

This is what is on my heart, I hope it is on yours.

Love Loudly..Live Graciously..Be Conversational..

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